Monday, 30 July 2012

Today I am...whatever you say I should be.

Now I never dance around the fact that a fair amount of things wind me up, and not only because I can't dance.
Yesterday I found myself getting especially annoyed at people that have no opinion of their own.

Here is an exact copy of a conversation I had when at work yesterday:
(by the way...the opening ceremony of the 2012 Olympics was this week...that's sort of key to the anecdote).
Customer: Hey, so did you see that ceremony last night? Wasn't it just awful? The tone was all wrong, the funny bits weren't funny, the moving bits weren't moving...and all paid by the tax payer! *(Insert naughty word here)* government can't do anything without screwing it up.
Me: Oh, well I don't know, I sort of enjoyed it...I think it was very well done.
Customer: Nah, mate, it was crap. Lads down the pub would have done a better job.
At this point, the man walked off, he came back about 10 minutes later, reading the front page of a paper that was calling the opening ceremony amazing.
Me: Oh, the papers liked it then? 
Customer: Yeah. *sigh* I think they're right, I mean, it could have been a lot worse, and it was memorable. It was the best TV there's been on for a while, and it was spectacular. 
I I promise you this is no exaggeration of what happened, it's as if his default opinion on everything was negative until he was told it was ok to like something.

There is nothing wrong with having an opinion! In fact, I think it's sort of key to having a personality...we've all got likes and dislikes. Mine will not be identical to yours...and I couldn't care less about that.

There's only one of you, don't let people fill in your opinion for you.

Hmm...that was quite a serious blog post wasn't it? Everybody do a little dance to shake the seriousness out of your system.

*Insert incredibly uncoordinated and quite appalling dance move here*

Ok, I feel better now.

Thank you,

Iain jb

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